Get To Know Chef Alison Lambert
We first had the pleasure of meeting Alison Lambert last year during the opening of our Dunedin store. At the time she was head chef of the local Ebb Café and helped us cater for the opening night. Alison has welcomed our taylor / Shelter team into the Dunedin community and kept everyone extremely well-fed over the last year.
Known for her expertise in seasonal cooking, Alison contributes a weekly food column to the Otago Daily Times and has now collaborated with them on her first cookbook, Seasons. We had the pleasure of hosting the launch of Seasons with Alison, and it felt like a full-circle moment for our community.
To celebrate the launch, we headed to one of Alison’s favourite spots, the Otago Farmers Market, to chat a little bit about her life.
Hi Alison, Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Dunedin is my home, born and raised in Otago. I’m from a large family, full of love and food. I have always been passionate about food, culture and community. I’m a chef, food writer and mum.
I spent close to 20 years internationally cooking in restaurants right across Europe. I’ve worked alongside the likes of Jamie Oliver and Theo Randall in their kitchens. Now based in Dunedin, I contribute to The Otago Daily Times, freelance and write recipes for my own site Taste of My Life.
What ignited your passion for food and cooking?
My up bringing gave me the passion, especially from my mother. I love how food can bring happiness. My story is simple, I just want to get good food to as many people as possible. Food brings us together in so many ways. It connects me with my family and brings me closer to the community as I have the pleasure to share recipes, knowledge and enthusiasm so we can all get cooking and eating locally sourced, seasonal, healthy delicious food!
Tell us what is a usual day in your life now you’re working for yourself?
Early starts, and fairly unpredictable days (which I thrive on!). Always cooking, writing recipes and attempting to make food reels for my social media channels – @alisonlambertfood
Congratulations on your new cookbook, what sparked the idea of pulling this together?
The book is very overdue! I made a change to put myself first this year and the cookbook evolved from there.
Do you have a favourite recipe in the book?
I love the connection I have to the Apple Jelly + Apple Sago (one of Mum’s recipes). However, my favourite might be the French Potato Cake – easy and absolute comfort.
A little birdy told us you recently got to tour with Coldplay! What are your favourite career highlights so far?
This is something I don’t dwell on enough. Working at the River Café in London changed my direction for food. Working in so many environments around the world, from Tavernas in Greece, sailing the Atlantic, and even cooking at the top of the French Alps!
Coming into Christmas what are your top tips for kitchen preparations over this time?
Keep it simple. Plan ahead, write your prep list and don’t leave all the work until Christmas!
You’re a connected Dunedin local – where should we be eating and exploring when we are in town?
First stop – The Otago Farmers market on Saturdays
For fantastic coffee – Strictly coffee on Fredrick Street
Artisan Bread – Body of the year on High Street, or Big Lizard 22 Vogel.
My favourite all day eateries – No 7 Balmac, Esplanade in St Clair
For a quick bite – Chopsticks 101 on George Street, Dasa Etc on hanover Street.
Alison’s cookbook ‘Seasons, A celebration of the year’ is now available here.